Shepherd's Stream Church Profile - A Quick Tour

Coral Hill Church of Christ

Coral Hill Church of Christ

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Lord's Day Services
Sunday Morning Bible Class: 10am
Sunday Morning Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening Worship: 6pm

Wednesday Evening Bible Class: 6:30pm
Main Phone
We offer a variety of services and Bible studies throughout the week, providing opportunities for worship, learning, and connecting with others. Whether you are new to the area or seeking a new church home, we warmly invite you to join us.

Our congregation believes in the importance of living according to the teachings of Christ, exhibiting love, kindness, humility, integrity, and hard work. We are committed to being a Bible-based congregation that follows the authority of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. At Coral Hill, ministry is not just the responsibility of pastors and leaders, but of every church member.


3303 Coral Hill Rd
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United States
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Scott Peden
Scott Peden


Scott Peden is the dedicated and compassionate preacher at the Coral Hill Church of Christ. With over 20 years of ministry with the Coral Hill congregation, Scott brings a wealth of knowledge and a heart for service to our congregation. His sermons are known for their depth, clarity, and ability to connect biblical truths to everyday life. Scott's unwavering commitment to spreading the gospel and his genuine care for each member of our community make him a cherished leader. Outside of his ministry, Scott enjoys spending time with his family, reading, and engaging in community outreach programs.
Robert Bagby
Robert Bagby


Robert Bagby, one of our esteemed elders, brings a lifetime of dedication and wisdom to our congregation. He has been a faithful member at Coral Hill Church of Christ since birth, he is deeply rooted in faith in God. As a livestock farmer, he embodies hard work, perseverance, and a profound respect for God’s creation.

Robert's decades of service and unwavering commitment to our church community have made him a pillar of strength and guidance. His compassionate leadership and gentle demeanor inspire all who know him. When he’s not tending to his farm, Robert enjoys sharing stories, mentoring younger members, and spending time with his family.
Don Peden
Don Peden


Don Peden is a dedicated elder at our Church of Christ, known for his wisdom and hands-on approach. As a builder, Don uses his skills to support the church and the community. His commitment extends to mission trips in Honduras, where he brings both spiritual support and practical aid.

Don's deep faith and love for service are evident in all he does. Whether teaching Bible classes for the younger youth group, offering counsel, or working on construction projects, he consistently demonstrates his dedication to Christ and our congregation. He also serves on the board of the Potter's Children's Home in Bowling Green, KY to help them grow and help more families and children in need.

Don's practical skills and spiritual leadership make him a cornerstone of our church family, embodying the true spirit of Christianity.
Bruce Peden
Bruce Peden


Bruce has served as a valued deacon at Coral Hill for many years. He enriches our congregation by teaching Bible classes, leading singing, and sharing his knowledge of the scriptures with the congregation.

Outside the church, Bruce is a dedicated farmer and skilled metal worker. His hard work and craftsmanship reflect his strong faith and commitment to our community.

Bruce’s blend of teaching and hands-on work embodies the spirit of service. He is a respected in the community and a beloved member of our church family. He can easily see the needs in the congregation and jump into action to provide solutions to the needs.
Wesley Peden
Wesley Peden


Wesley Peden serves as a deacon at Coral Hill, he enjoys serving in youth ministry, where he teaches bible classes for the older youth as well as technology and livestreaming the services. With a deep passion for guiding the next generation in their faith, Wesley brings energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to our youth programs.

A lifelong member of the Church of Christ, Wesley's faith and love for the community shine through in everything he does. His unique ability to blend spiritual guidance with technical skills makes him an invaluable asset to our congregation. Whether he's leading youth activities, setting up projections for services, or updating the church website, Wesley's contributions help our church thrive in the digital age.

Outside of his church duties, Wesley enjoys spending time with his family, running his business, and working with local theater and concerts both on stage and in the tech booth.


Doctrinal Statement
Please enter your church's doctrinal statement here
Welcome to the Church of Christ, where we strive to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the New Testament. Our beliefs are rooted in a commitment to restoring the faith and practices of the early Christian church. Here is an overview of our core beliefs:

Scripture as the Sole Authority:
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and serves as the ultimate guide for our faith and practice. The New Testament is particularly important, as it details the life, teachings, and example of Jesus Christ and His apostles.

One God:
We believe in one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. This triune nature of God is fundamental to our faith.

Plan of Salvation:
Salvation is a free gift from God, attainable through faith in Jesus Christ. The steps to salvation include hearing the gospel, believing in Christ, repenting of sins, confessing faith in Jesus, being baptized for the forgiveness of sins, and living a faithful Christian life.

Baptism by Immersion:
We practice baptism by full immersion in water, as a public declaration of faith and obedience to Christ. Baptism symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, and it is essential for the forgiveness of sins and receiving the Holy Spirit.

Simple and Sincere Worship:
Our worship services are simple, focusing on elements found in the New Testament: singing (a cappella), prayer, preaching, communion (Lord’s Supper), and giving. We believe in worshiping God in spirit and in truth, free from elaborate rituals or ceremonies.

Autonomous Congregations:
Each congregation of the Church of Christ is autonomous, meaning it governs itself independently under the headship of Christ. Leadership typically includes elders and deacons, appointed according to the qualifications outlined in the New Testament.

Moral and Ethical Conduct:
We strive to live according to the teachings of Christ, exhibiting love, kindness, humility, and integrity. Christians are called to be the light of the world, influencing society positively through their conduct and good works.

Weekly Communion:
We observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday, remembering the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This practice is rooted in the example of the early church and serves as a weekly reminder of our faith and commitment.

Great Commission:
We are committed to spreading the gospel and making disciples of all nations, following the Great Commission given by Jesus. Evangelism and mission work are integral parts of our faith and practice.

We invite you to join us in our journey of faith and discover the joy of following Christ. Whether you are new to Christianity or looking for a church home, you are welcome here at the Church of Christ.