The Sermon Manager on Shepherd's Stream has many features and has been designed specifically for church leadership. To access the Sermon Manager, the user must be logged in. Once logged in, select the Members menu item at the top of the page and then the Sermon Manager box. 

Sermon Manager1

From the Sermon Manager main page, the user can:

  1. Search for a Specific Sermon

  2. Access the Series Manager

  3. Upload a new sermon using the New Sermon button

  4. Upload multiple sermons with the Bulk Uploader

  5. Access the Live Stream Dashboard

Sermon Manager2


Selecting the New Sermon button will bring up the new sermon page. On the New Sermon Page there are two sections.

  1. Upload MP3 file, MP4 file and PDF file of Sermon

  2. Sermon Info

Bottom of New Sermon Page.

First choose the add files button to choose your sermon. Then choose the start upload button to upload your sermon. The Shepherd's Stream system will read the meta data of your file and automatically enter it into the sermon info section. This data can be edited if needed.

The available fields are;
  1. Name
  2. Speaker
  3. Speaker Email
  4. Series
  5. Show Church Name
  6. Date Recorded
  7. Copyright Acknowledgement
  8. Downloadable
  9. YouTube / Vimeo URL
  10. Topics
  11. Event Category
  12. Meta Description
  13. Keywords
  14. Bible References; Book-Chapter-Verse
  15. Description with Sermon Transcription.