Zechariah chapter 6

1Again I lifted up my eyes, and saw, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass.Zc 5:1
2In the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black horses;Zc 1:8 Rev 6:2-5 Rev 12:3 Rev 17:3
3and in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth chariot grizzled strong horses.Rev 6:2 Rev 19:11 Rev 20:11
4Then I answered the angel who talked with me, What are these, my lord?Zc 1:9 Zc 1:19-21 Zc 5:5 Zc 5:6 Zc 5:10
5The angel answered me, These are the four winds of the sky, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.Zc 1:10 Zc 1:11 Ps 68:17 Ps 104:3 Ps 104:4 Ezk 1:5-28 Ezk 10:9-19 Ezk 11:22 Heb 1:7 Heb 1:14 Rev 14:6-13
6[The chariot] in which are the black horses goes forth toward the north country; and the white went forth after them; and the grizzled went forth toward the south country.Jer 1:14 Jer 1:15 Jer 4:6 Jer 6:1 Jer 25:9 Jer 46:10 Jer 51:48 Ezk 1:4
7The strong went forth, and sought to go that they might walk back and forth through the earth: and he said, Get you hence, walk back and forth through the earth. So they walked back and forth through the earth.Zc 1:10 Gn 13:17 2Ch 16:9 Jb 1:6 Jb 1:7 Jb 2:1 Jb 2:2 Dn 7:19 Dn 7:24
8Then cried he to me, and spoke to me, saying, Behold, those who go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country.Zc 1:15 Jg 8:3 Jg 15:7 Ec 10:4 Isa 1:24 Isa 18:3 Isa 18:4 Isa 42:13-15 Isa 48:14 Isa 51:22 Isa 51:23 Jer 51:48 Jer 51:49 Ezk 5:13 Ezk 16:42 Ezk 16:63 Rev 18:21 Rev 18:22
9The word of Yahweh came to me, saying,Zc 1:1 Zc 7:1 Zc 8:1
10Take of them of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Jedaiah; and come you the same day, and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah, where they are come from Babylon;Ezr 7:14-16 Ezr 8:26-30 Isa 66:20 Ac 24:17 Ro 15:25 Ro 15:26
11yes, take [of them] silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them on the head of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest;Zc 3:5 Ex 28:36-38 Ex 29:6 Ex 39:30 Lv 8:9 Ps 21:3 So 3:11 Heb 2:9 Rev 19:12
12and speak to him, saying, Thus speaks Yahweh of Hosts, saying, Behold, the man whose name is the Branch: and he shall grow up out of his place; and he shall build the temple of Yahweh;Zc 13:7 Isa 32:1 Isa 32:2 Mic 5:5 Mk 15:39 Jn 19:5 Ac 13:38 Ac 17:31 Heb 7:4 Heb 7:24 Heb 8:3 Heb 10:12
13even he shall build the temple of Yahweh; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule on his throne; and he shall be a priest on his throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.Ps 21:5 Ps 45:3 Ps 45:4 Ps 72:17-19 Isa 9:6 Isa 11:10 Isa 22:24 Isa 49:5 Isa 49:6 Jer 23:6 Dn 7:13 Dn 7:14 Jn 13:31 Jn 13:32 Jn 17:1-5 Eph 1:20-23 Php 2:7-11 Heb 2:7-9 1Pe 3:22 Rev 3:21 Rev 5:9-13 Rev 19:11-16
14The crowns shall be to Helem, and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the son of Zephaniah, for a memorial in the temple of Yahweh.Ex 12:14 Ex 28:12 Ex 28:29 Nm 16:40 Nm 31:54 Jsh 4:7 1Sa 2:30 Mt 26:13 Mk 14:9 Ac 10:4 1Co 11:23-26
15Those who are far off shall come and build in the temple of Yahweh; and you shall know that Yahweh of hosts has sent me to you. [This] shall happen, if you will diligently obey the voice of Yahweh your God.Isa 56:6-8 Isa 57:19 Isa 60:10 Ac 2:39 1Co 3:10-15 Eph 2:13-22 1Pe 2:4 1Pe 2:5

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