Micah chapter 2

1Woe to those who devise iniquity and work evil on their beds! when the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand.Es 3:8 Es 5:14 Es 9:25 Ps 7:14-16 Ps 140:1-8 Pr 6:12-19 Pr 12:2 Isa 32:7 Isa 59:3 Jer 18:18 Ezk 11:2 Nah 1:11 Lk 20:19 Lk 22:2-6 Ac 23:12 Ro 1:30
2They covet fields, and seize them; and houses, and take them away: and they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.Ex 20:17 1Ki 21:2-19 Jb 31:38 Isa 5:8 Jer 22:17 Am 8:4 Hab 2:5-9 1Ti 6:10
3Therefore thus says Yahweh: Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from which you shall not remove your necks, neither shall you walk haughtily; for it is an evil time.Jer 8:3 Am 3:1 Am 3:2
4In that day shall they take up a parable against you, and lament with a doleful lamentation, [and] say, We are utterly ruined: he changes the portion of my people: how does he remove [it] from me! to the rebellious he divides our fields.Nm 23:7 Nm 23:18 Nm 24:3 Nm 24:15 Jb 27:1 Isa 14:4 Ezk 16:44 Hab 2:6 Mk 12:12
5Therefore you shall have none who shall cast the line by lot in the assembly of Yahweh.Dt 32:8 Jsh 18:4 Jsh 18:10 Ps 16:6 Hos 9:3
6Don`t you prophesy, [thus] they prophesy. They shall not prophesy to these: reproaches shall not depart.Isa 30:10 Jer 26:8 Jer 26:9 Jer 26:20-23 Ezk 20:46 Ezk 21:2 Am 2:12 Am 7:13 Ac 4:17 Ac 5:28 Ac 5:40 Ac 7:51 1Th 2:15 1Th 2:16
7Shall it be said, O house of Jacob, Is the Spirit of Yahweh straitened? are these his doings? Do not my words do good to him who walks blamelessly?Mic 3:9 Isa 48:1 Isa 48:2 Isa 58:1 Jer 2:4 Mt 3:8 Jn 8:39 Ro 2:28 Ro 2:29 Ro 9:6-13 2Ti 3:5
8But of late my people is risen up as an enemy: you strip the robe from off the garment from those who pass by securely [as men] returned from war.2Ch 28:5-8 Isa 9:21
9The women of my people you cast out from their pleasant houses; from their young children you take away my glory forever.Mic 2:2 Mt 23:14 Mk 12:40 Lk 20:47
10Arise you, and depart; for this is not your resting-place; because of uncleanness that destroys, even with a grievous destruction.Dt 4:26 Dt 30:18 Jsh 23:15 Jsh 23:16 1Ki 9:7 2Ki 15:29 2Ki 17:6 2Ch 7:20 2Ch 36:20 2Ch 36:21
11If a man walking in a spirit of falsehood do lie, [saying], I will prophesy to you of wine and of strong drink; he shall even be the prophet of this people.1Ki 13:18 1Ki 22:21-23 2Ch 18:19-22 Isa 9:15 Jer 14:14 Jer 23:14 Jer 23:25 Jer 23:32 Jer 27:14 Jer 27:15 Jer 28:2 Jer 28:3 Jer 28:15 Jer 29:21-23 Ezk 13:3-14 Ezk 13:22-14 2Co 11:13-15 2Th 2:8-10 2Pe 2:1-3 1Jn 4:1 Rev 16:13 Rev 16:14
12I will surely assemble, Jacob, all of you; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as a flock in the midst of their pasture; they shall make great noise by reason of [the multitude of] men.Mic 4:6 Mic 4:7 Isa 11:11 Isa 27:12 Jer 3:18 Jer 31:8 Ezk 37:21 Hos 1:11
13The breaker is gone up before them: they have broken forth and passed on to the gate, and are gone out thereat; and their king is passed on before them, and Yahweh at the head of them.Isa 42:7 Isa 42:13-16 Isa 45:1 Isa 45:2 Isa 49:9 Isa 49:24 Isa 49:25 Isa 51:9 Isa 51:10 Isa 55:4 Isa 59:16-19 Jer 51:20-24 Dn 2:34 Dn 2:35 Dn 2:44 Hos 13:14 Zc 12:8 1Co 15:21-26 Heb 2:14 Heb 2:15

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