Psalm chapter 94

1Yahweh, you God to whom vengeance belongs, You God to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth.Dt 32:35 Dt 32:41 Dt 32:42 Isa 35:4 Isa 59:17 Jer 50:28 Nah 1:2 Ro 12:19 2Th 1:8 Heb 10:30
2Rise up, you judge of the earth. Pay back the proud what they deserve.Ps 7:6 Ps 68:1 Ps 74:22 Mic 5:9
3Yahweh, how long will the wicked, How long will the wicked triumph?Ps 43:2 Ps 73:8 Ps 74:9 Ps 74:10 Ps 79:5 Ps 80:4 Ps 89:46 Jer 12:1 Jer 12:2 Jer 47:6 Rev 6:10
4They pour out arrogant words. All the evil-doers boast.Ps 31:18 Ps 59:7 Ps 59:12 Ps 64:3 Ps 64:4 Ps 73:8 Ps 73:9 Ps 140:3 Pr 30:14 Jer 18:18 Mt 12:24 Mt 12:34 Jud 1:14 Jud 1:15
5They break your people in pieces, Yahweh, And afflict your heritage.Ps 7:2 Ps 14:4 Ps 44:22 Ps 74:8 Ps 74:19 Ps 74:20 Ps 79:2 Ps 79:3 Ps 79:7 Ps 129:2 Ps 129:3 Isa 3:15 Isa 52:5 Jer 22:17 Jer 51:20-23 Jer 51:34-23 Mic 3:2 Mic 3:3 Rev 17:6
6They kill the widow and the alien, And murder the fatherless.Isa 10:2 Isa 13:15-18 Jer 7:6 Jer 22:3 Ezk 22:7 Mal 3:5
7They say, "Yah will not see, Neither will Jacob`s God consider."Ps 10:11-13 Ps 59:7 Jb 22:12 Jb 22:13 Isa 29:15 Ezk 8:12 Ezk 9:9 Zep 1:12 Lk 18:3 Lk 18:4
8Consider, you senseless among the people; You fools, when will you be wise?Ps 49:10 Ps 73:22 Ps 92:6 Pr 12:1 Isa 27:11 Jer 8:6-8 Jer 10:8 Ro 3:11
9He who implanted the ear, won`t he hear? He who formed the eye, won`t he see?Ex 4:11 Pr 20:1 Pr 20:12
10He who disciplines the nations, won`t he punish? He who teaches man knows.Ps 9:5 Ps 10:16 Ps 44:2 Ps 135:8-12 Ps 149:7 Isa 10:12 Isa 37:36 Jer 10:25 Ezk 39:21
11Yahweh knows the thoughts of man, That they are futile.Ps 49:10-13 Jb 11:11 Jb 11:12 Ro 1:21 Ro 1:22 1Co 1:19 1Co 1:21 1Co 1:25
12Blessed is the man whom you discipline, Yah, And teach out of your law;Ps 119:67 Ps 119:71 Jb 5:17 Pr 3:11 1Co 11:32 Heb 12:5-11
13That you may give him rest from the days of adversity, Until the pit is dug for the wicked.Isa 26:20 Isa 26:21 Hab 3:16 2Co 4:17 2Co 4:18 2Th 1:7 2Th 1:8 Heb 4:9 Rev 14:13
14For Yahweh won`t reject his people, Neither will he forsake his inheritance.Ps 37:28 1Sa 12:22 Isa 49:14 Isa 49:15 Jer 32:39 Jer 32:40 Jn 10:27-31 Ro 8:30 Ro 8:38 Ro 8:39 Ro 11:1 Ro 11:2 Heb 13:5
15For judgment will return to righteousness. All the upright in heart shall follow it.Ps 94:2 Ps 94:3 Ps 7:8 Ps 7:9 Ps 9:16 Ps 58:11 Ps 125:3 Dt 32:35 Dt 32:36 Jb 35:14 Mic 7:9 Mal 3:18 2Pe 3:8-10 Rev 15:3 Rev 15:4
16Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand up for me against the evil-doers?Ex 32:26-29 Nm 25:6-13 Jg 5:23 1Ki 18:39 1Ki 18:40 2Ki 9:32 2Ki 10:15 Isa 59:16 Isa 63:5 Jer 5:1 Ezk 22:30 Mt 12:30 3Jn 1:8
17Unless Yahweh had been my help, My soul would have soon lived in silence.Ps 118:13 Ps 124:1 Ps 124:2 Ps 125:1 Ps 142:4 Ps 142:5 Jn 16:32 2Co 1:8-10 2Ti 4:16 2Ti 4:17
18When I said, "My foot is slipping!" Your lovingkindness, Yahweh, held me up.Ps 17:5 Ps 37:23 Ps 37:24 Ps 38:16 Ps 119:116 Ps 119:117 Ps 121:3 1Sa 2:9 Jn 12:5 Isa 41:10 Lk 22:32 1Pe 1:5
19In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Your comforts delight my soul.Ps 43:2-5 Ps 61:2 Ps 63:5 Ps 63:6 Ps 73:12-16 Ps 77:2-10 Jer 20:7-11 Hab 3:16-18 Ro 5:2-5 2Co 1:4 2Co 1:5 1Pe 1:7 1Pe 1:8
20Shall the throne of wickedness have fellowship with you, Which brings about mischief by statute?Ps 52:1 Ps 82:1 1Sa 22:12 Ec 3:16 Ec 5:8 Am 6:3
21They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, And condemn the innocent blood.Ps 2:1-3 Ps 22:16 Ps 59:3 Pr 1:11 Pr 1:16 Mt 27:1 Ac 4:5-7 Ac 4:27-7 Ac 4:28-7
22But Yahweh has been my high tower, My God, the rock of my refuge.Ps 94:10 Ps 27:1-3 Ps 59:9 Ps 59:16 Ps 59:17 Ps 62:2 Ps 62:6
23He has brought on them their own iniquity, And will cut them off in their own wickedness. Yahweh, our God, will cut them off. Psalm 95Ps 7:16 Ps 9:16 Ps 9:17 Ps 55:23 Ps 64:8 Es 7:10 Pr 1:31 Pr 2:22 Pr 5:22 Dn 7:24


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