Psalm chapter 77

1My cry goes to God! Indeed, I cry to God for help, And for him to listen to me.Ps 39:1 Ps 62:1 1Ch 16:41 1Ch 16:42 1Ch 25:3 1Ch 25:6
2In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord. My hand was stretched out in the night, and didn`t get tired. My soul refused to be comforted.Ps 18:6 Ps 50:15 Ps 88:1-3 Ps 102:1 Ps 102:2 Ps 130:1 Ps 130:2 Gn 32:7-12 Gn 32:28-12 2Ki 19:3 2Ki 19:4 2Ki 19:15-20 Isa 26:9 Isa 26:16 Jon 2:1 Jon 2:2 2Co 12:7 2Co 12:8 Heb 5:7
3I remember God, and I groan. I complain, and my spirit is overwhelmed. Selah.Jb 6:4 Jb 23:15 Jb 23:16 Jb 31:23 Jer 17:17
4You hold my eyelids open. I am so troubled that I can`t speak.Ps 6:6 Es 6:1 Jb 7:13-15
5I have considered the days of old, The years of ancient times.Ps 74:12-18 Ps 143:5 Dt 32:7 Isa 51:9 Isa 63:9-15 Mic 7:14 Mic 7:15
6I remember my song in the night. I consider in my own heart; My spirit diligently inquires:Ps 42:8 Jb 35:10 Hab 3:17 Hab 3:18 Jon 1:2 Ac 16:25
7"Will the Lord reject us forever? Will he be favorable no more?Ps 13:1 Ps 13:2 Ps 37:24 Ps 74:1 Ps 89:38 Ps 89:46 Jer 23:24-26 Lam 3:31 Lam 3:32 Ro 11:1 Ro 11:2
8Has his lovingkindness vanished forever? Does his promise fail for generations?Isa 27:11 Lk 16:25 Lk 16:26
9Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he, in anger, withheld his compassion?" Selah.Isa 40:27 Isa 49:14 Isa 49:15 Isa 63:15
10Then I thought, "I will appeal to this: The years of the right hand of the Most High."Ps 31:22 Ps 73:22 Ps 116:11 Jb 42:3 Lam 3:18-23 Mk 9:24
11I will remember Yah`s deeds; For I will remember your wonders of old.Ps 77:10 Ps 28:5 Ps 78:11 Ps 111:4 1Ch 16:12 Isa 5:12
12I will also meditate on all your work, And consider your doings.Ps 104:34 Ps 143:5
13Your way, God, is in the sanctuary. What god is great like God?Ps 27:4 Ps 63:2 Ps 68:25 Ps 73:17
14You are the God who does wonders. You have made your strength known among the peoples.Ps 72:18 Ps 86:10 Ps 105:5 Ps 136:4 Ex 15:11 Rev 15:3
15You have redeemed your people with your arm, The sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.Ps 136:11 Ps 136:12 Ex 6:6 Dt 9:26 Dt 9:29 Isa 63:9
16The waters saw you, God. The waters saw you, and they writhed. The depths also convulsed.Ps 114:3-6 Ex 14:21 Jsh 3:15 Jsh 3:16 Hab 3:8-10 Hab 3:15-10
17The clouds poured out water. The skies resounded with thunder. Your arrows also flashed around.Ps 68:8 Ps 68:9
18The voice of your thunder was in the whirlwind. The lightnings lit up the world. The earth trembled and shook.Ps 29:3-9 Ex 19:16 Jb 37:1-5 Rev 11:19
19Your way was through the sea; Your paths through the great waters. Your footsteps were not known.Ps 29:10 Ps 97:2 Ne 9:11 Nah 1:3 Nah 1:4 Hab 3:15
20You led your people like a flock, By the hand of Moses and Aaron. Psalm 78 A contemplation by Asaph.Ps 78:52 Ps 80:1 Ex 13:21 Ex 14:19 Isa 63:11 Isa 63:12 Hos 12:13 Ac 7:35 Ac 7:36

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