Psalm chapter 135

1Praise Yah! Praise the name of Yahweh! Praise him, you servants of Yahweh,Ps 33:1 Ps 33:2 Ps 96:1-4 Ps 106:1 Ps 107:8 Ps 107:15 Ps 111:1 Ps 112:1 Ps 113:1 Ps 117:1 Ps 117:2 Ps 150:6
2You who stand in the house of Yahweh, In the courts of our God`s house.1Ch 16:37-42 1Ch 23:30 Ne 9:5 Lk 2:37
3Praise Yah, for Yahweh is good. Sing praises to his name, for that is pleasant.Ps 106:1 Ps 107:1 Ps 118:1 Ps 119:68 Ps 136:1 Ps 145:7 Ps 145:8 Mt 19:17
4For Yah has chosen Jacob for himself; Israel for his own possession.Ps 33:12 Dt 7:6 Dt 7:7 Dt 10:15 1Sa 12:22 Isa 41:8 Isa 43:20 Isa 43:21 Zc 2:10-12 1Pe 2:9
5For I know that Yahweh is great, That our Lord is above all gods.Ps 48:1 Ps 86:8-10 Ps 89:6 Ps 95:3 Ps 96:4 Ps 96:5 Ps 97:9 Dt 10:17 Isa 40:22 Isa 40:25 Jer 10:10 Jer 10:11 Dn 3:29 Dn 6:26 Dn 6:27
6Whatever Yahweh pleased, that he has done, In heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps;Ps 33:9 Ps 33:11 Ps 115:3 Isa 46:10 Dn 4:35 Am 4:13 Am 9:6 Mt 28:18
7Who causes the clouds to rise from the ends of the earth; Who makes lightnings with the rain; Who brings forth the wind out of his treasuries;Ps 148:8 Gn 2:5 Gn 2:6 1Ki 18:1 1Ki 18:41-45 Jb 5:10 Jer 10:13 Jer 14:22 Jer 51:16 Zc 10:1
8Who struck the firstborn of Egypt, Both of man and animal;Ps 78:51 Ps 105:36 Ps 136:10 Ex 12:12 Ex 12:29 Ex 12:30 Ex 13:15
9Who sent signs and wonders into the midst of you, Egypt, On Pharaoh, and on all his servants;Ps 78:43-50 Ps 105:27-29 Ex 7:1-15 Dt 4:34 Ne 9:10 Isa 51:9 Isa 51:10 Jer 32:20 Jer 32:21 Ac 7:36
10Who struck many nations, And killed mighty kings,Ps 44:2 Ps 44:3 Ps 136:17-22
11Sihon king of the Amorites, Og king of Bashan, All the kingdoms of Canaan,Nm 21:21-35 Dt 2:30-37 Dt 3:1-11 Ne 9:22
12And gave their land for a heritage, A heritage to Israel, his people.Ps 44:1-3 Ps 78:55 Ps 136:21 Ps 136:22 Nm 33:54 Jsh 11:23 Jsh 12:7
13Your name, Yahweh, endures forever; Your renown, Yahweh, throughout all generations.Ps 8:1 Ps 8:9 Ps 72:17 Ps 102:12 Ps 102:21 Ex 3:15 Ex 34:5-7 Hos 12:5 Mt 6:9 Mt 6:13
14For Yahweh will judge his people, And have compassion on his servants.Ps 7:8 Ps 50:4 Ps 96:13
15The idols of the nations are silver and gold, The work of men`s hands.Ps 115:4-8 Dt 4:28 Isa 37:19 Isa 40:19 Isa 40:20 Isa 44:9-20 Isa 46:6 Isa 46:7 Jer 10:3-11 Hab 2:18 Hab 2:19 Ac 17:29
16They have mouths, but they can`t speak; They have eyes, but they can`t see;Isa 6:10 Mt 13:14-16
17They have ears, but they can`t hear; Neither is there any breath in their mouths.
18Those who make them will be like them; Yes, everyone who trusts in them.Ps 97:7 Ps 115:8 Isa 44:18-20 Jer 10:8 2Co 4:4
19House of Israel, praise Yahweh! House of Aaron, praise Yahweh!Ps 115:9-11 Ps 118:1-4 Ps 145:10 Ps 147:19 Ps 147:20 Ps 148:14 Rev 19:5
20House of Levi, praise Yahweh! You who fear Yahweh, praise Yahweh!
21Blessed be Yahweh from Zion, Who dwells at Jerusalem. Praise Yah! Psalm 136Ps 76:2 Ps 134:3 2Ch 6:6

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