Psalm chapter 132

1Yahweh, remember David and all his affliction,Ps 120:1 Ps 121:1 Ps 122:1 Ps 123:1 Ps 124:1 Ps 125:1 Ps 126:1 Ps 127:1 Ps 128:1 Ps 129:1 Ps 130:1 Ps 131:1
2How he swore to Yahweh, And vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob:Ps 56:12 Ps 65:1 Ps 66:13 Ps 66:14 Ps 116:14-18 Ps 119:106 2Sa 7:1
3"Surely I will not come into the structure of my house, Nor go up into my bed;Ec 9:10 Hg 1:4 Mt 6:33
4I will not give sleep to my eyes, Or slumber to my eyelids;Gn 24:33 Ru 3:18 Pr 6:4
5Until I find out a place for Yahweh, A dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob."2Sa 6:17 1Ch 15:3 1Ch 15:12 Ac 7:46
6Behold, we heard of it in Ephrathah. We found it in the field of Jaar:Ru 1:2 1Sa 17:12 Mic 5:2
7"We will go into his dwelling place. We will worship at his footstool.Ps 5:7 Ps 66:13 Ps 66:14 Ps 118:19 Ps 122:1 Isa 2:3
8Arise, Yahweh, into your resting place; You, and the ark of your strength.Ps 68:1 Nm 10:35 Nm 10:36 2Ch 6:41 2Ch 6:42
9Let your priest be clothed with righteousness. Let your saints shout for joy!"Ps 132:16 Ps 93:1 Ps 104:1 Jb 29:14 Isa 61:10 Ro 13:14 1Pe 5:5 Rev 19:8
10For your servant David`s sake, Don`t turn away the face of your anointed one.1Ki 11:12 1Ki 11:13 1Ki 11:34 1Ki 15:4 1Ki 15:5 2Ki 19:34 Hos 3:5
11Yahweh has sworn to David in truth. He will not turn from it: "I will set the fruit of your body on your throne.Ps 89:3 Ps 89:4 Ps 89:33 Ps 89:37 Ps 110:4 1Sa 15:29 Jer 33:20-26 Heb 6:18
12If your children will keep my covenant, My testimony that I will teach them, Their children also will sit on your throne forevermore."Ps 89:30-35
13For Yahweh has chosen Zion. He has desired it for his habitation.Ps 76:1 Ps 76:2 Ps 78:68 Ps 78:69 Isa 14:32 Heb 12:22
14"This is my resting place forever. Here I will live, for I have desired it.Ps 132:8 Isa 11:10 Isa 66:1 Zep 3:17
15I will abundantly bless her provision. I will satisfy her poor with bread.Ps 147:14 Ex 23:25 Lv 26:4 Lv 26:5 Dt 28:2-5 Pr 3:9 Pr 3:10 Hg 1:6 Hg 1:9 Hg 2:16-19 Mal 2:2 Mt 14:19-21 Lk 1:53 2Co 9:10 2Co 9:11
16Her priests I will also clothe with salvation. Her saints will shout aloud for joy.Ps 132:9 Ps 140:4 2Ch 6:41 Isa 61:10 Ga 3:27
17There I will make the horn of David to bud. I have ordained a lamp for my anointed.Ps 92:10 Ps 148:14 Ezk 29:21 Lk 1:69
18I will clothe his enemies with shame, But on himself, his crown will be resplendant." Psalm 133 A Song of Ascents. By David.Ps 21:8 Ps 21:9 Ps 35:26 Ps 109:29 Jb 8:22 Dn 12:2


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