Psalm chapter 130

1Out of the depths I have cried to you, Yahweh.Ps 121:1 Ps 122:1 Ps 123:1 Ps 124:1 Ps 125:1 Ps 126:1 Ps 127:1 Ps 128:1 Ps 129:1
2Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my petitions.Ps 5:1 Ps 5:2 Ps 17:1 Ps 55:1 Ps 55:2 Ps 61:1 Ps 61:2 2Ch 6:40 Ne 1:6 Ne 1:11 Isa 37:17 Dn 9:17-19
3If you, Yah, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?Ps 143:2 Jb 9:2 Jb 9:3 Jb 9:20 Jb 10:14 Jb 15:14 Isa 53:6 Jn 8:7-9 Ro 3:20-24
4But there is forgiveness with you, Therefore you are feared.Ps 25:11 Ps 86:5 Ps 103:2 Ps 103:3 Ex 34:5-7 Isa 1:18 Isa 55:7 Jer 31:34 Dn 9:9 Mic 7:18-20 Ro 8:1 2Co 5:19 Eph 1:7 Col 1:14
5I wait for Yahweh. My soul waits. I hope in his word.Ps 27:14 Ps 33:20 Ps 40:1 Ps 62:1 Ps 62:5 Gn 49:18 Isa 8:17 Isa 26:8 Isa 30:18 Lk 2:25 Lk 2:38
6My soul longs for the Lord more than watchmen long for the morning; More than watchmen for the morning.Ps 63:6 Ps 119:147 Ac 27:29
7Israel, hope in Yahweh, For with Yahweh there is lovingkindness. With him is abundant redemption.Ps 40:3 Ps 71:5 Ps 115:9-13 Ps 131:1 Ps 131:3 Zep 3:12
8He will redeem Israel from all their sins. Psalm 131 A Song of Ascents. By David.Ps 103:3 Ps 103:4 Mt 1:21 Ro 6:14 Tit 2:14 1Jn 3:5-8