Job chapter 38

1Then Yahweh answered Job out of the whirlwind,Jb 37:1 Jb 37:2 Jb 37:9 Jb 37:14 Ex 19:16-19 Dt 4:11 Dt 4:12 Dt 5:22-24 1Ki 19:11 2Ki 2:1 2Ki 2:11 Ezk 1:4 Nah 1:3
2"Who is this who darkens counsel By words without knowledge?Jb 12:3 Jb 23:4 Jb 23:5 Jb 24:25 Jb 26:3 Jb 27:11 Jb 34:35 Jb 35:16 Jb 42:3 1Ti 1:7
3Brace yourself like a man, For I will question you, then you answer me!Jb 40:7 Ex 12:11 1Ki 18:46 Jer 1:17 1Pe 1:13
4"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if you have understanding.Pr 8:22 Pr 8:29 Pr 8:30 Pr 30:4
5Who determined the measures of it, if you know? Or who stretched the line on it?Jb 11:9 Jb 28:25 Pr 8:27 Isa 40:12 Isa 40:22
6Whereupon were the foundations of it fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone,Jb 26:7 1Sa 2:8 Ps 24:2 Ps 93:1 Ps 104:5 Zc 12:1 2Pe 3:5
7When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy?Rev 2:28 Rev 22:16
8"Or who shut up the sea with doors, When it broke forth from the womb,Jb 38:10 Gn 1:9 Ps 33:7 Ps 104:9 Pr 8:29 Jer 5:22
9When I made clouds the garment of it, Thick darkness a swaddling-band for it,Gn 1:2
10Marked out for it my bound, Set bars and doors,Jb 26:10 Gn 1:9 Gn 1:10 Gn 9:15 Ps 104:9 Jer 5:22
11And said, `Here you may come, but no further; Here shall your proud waves be stayed?`Ps 65:6 Ps 65:7 Ps 93:3 Ps 93:4 Pr 8:29 Mk 4:39-41
12"Have you commanded the morning in your days, And caused the dawn to know its place;Gn 1:5 Ps 74:16 Ps 136:7 Ps 136:8 Ps 148:3-5
13That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, And shake the wicked out of it?Ps 19:4-6 Ps 139:9-12
14It is changed as clay under the seal, And stands forth as a garment.Ps 104:2 Ps 104:6
15From the wicked, their light is withheld, The high arm is broken.Jb 5:14 Jb 18:5 Jb 18:18 Ex 10:21-23 2Ki 6:18 Pr 4:19 Isa 8:21 Isa 8:22 Jer 13:16 Ac 13:10 Ac 13:11
16"Have you entered into the springs of the sea? Or have you walked in the recesses of the deep?Ps 77:19 Pr 8:24 Jer 51:36
17Have the gates of death been revealed to you? Or have you seen the gates of the shadow of death?Ps 9:13 Ps 107:18 Ps 116:3
18Have you comprehended the earth in its breadth? Declare, if you know it all.Ps 74:17 Ps 89:11 Ps 89:12 Isa 40:28 Jer 31:37 Rev 20:9
19"What is the way to the dwelling of light? As for darkness, where is the place of it,Jb 38:12 Jb 38:13 Gn 1:3 Gn 1:4 Gn 1:14-18 Dt 4:19 Isa 45:7 Jn 1:9 Jn 8:12
20That you should take it to the bound of it, That you should discern the paths to the house of it?Gn 10:19 Gn 23:17
21Surely you know, for you were born then, And the number of your days is great!Jb 38:4 Jb 38:12 Jb 15:7
22Have you entered the treasuries of the snow, Or have you seen the treasures of the hail,Jb 6:16 Jb 37:6 Ps 33:7 Ps 135:7
23Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, Against the day of battle and war?Jb 36:31 Jb 36:13 Ex 9:18 Ex 9:24 Jsh 10:11 Isa 30:30 Ezk 13:11-13 Mt 7:27 Rev 16:21
24By what way is the lightning distributed, Or the east wind scattered on the earth?Jb 38:12 Jb 38:13 Jon 4:8 Mt 24:27
25Who has cut a channel for the flood water, Or the path for the thunderstorm;Jb 28:26 Jb 36:27 Jb 36:28 Jb 37:3-6 Ps 29:3-10
26To cause it to rain on a land where no man is; On the wilderness, in which there is no man;Ps 104:10-14 Ps 107:35 Ps 147:8 Ps 147:9 Isa 35:1 Isa 35:2 Isa 41:18 Isa 41:19 Isa 43:19 Isa 43:20 Jer 14:22 Heb 6:7 Heb 6:8
27To satisfy the waste and desolate ground, To cause the tender grass to spring forth?
28Does the rain have a father? Or who fathers the drops of dew?Jb 38:8 Jb 5:9 Jb 5:10 1Sa 12:17 1Sa 12:18 Ps 65:9 Ps 65:10 Jer 5:24 Jer 10:13 Jer 14:22 Jl 2:23 Am 4:7 Mt 5:45
29Out of whose womb came the ice? The gray frost of the sky, who has given birth to it?Jb 38:8 Jb 6:16 Jb 37:10 Ps 147:16 Ps 147:17
30The waters become hard like stone, When the surface of the deep is frozen.Jb 37:10
31"Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, Or loosen the cords of Orion?Jb 9:9 Am 5:8
32Can you lead forth the constellations in their season? Or can you guide the Bear with her cubs?2Ki 23:5
33Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you establish the dominion of it over the earth?Gn 1:16 Gn 8:22 Ps 119:90 Ps 119:91 Jer 31:35 Jer 31:36 Jer 33:25
34"Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, That abundance of waters may cover you?1Sa 12:18 Am 5:8 Zc 10:1 Jm 5:18
35Can you send forth lightnings, that they may go? Do they report to you, `Here we are?`Ex 9:23-25 Ex 9:29-25 Lv 10:2 Nm 11:1 Nm 16:35 2Ki 1:10 2Ki 1:14 Rev 11:5 Rev 11:6
36Who has put wisdom in the inward parts? Or who has given understanding to the mind?Jb 32:8 Ps 51:6 Pr 2:6 Ec 2:26 Jm 1:5 Jm 1:17
37Who can number the clouds by wisdom? Or who can pour out the bottles of the sky,Gn 15:5 Ps 147:4
38When the dust runs into a mass, And the clods of earth stick together?
39"Can you hunt the prey for the lioness, Or satisfy the appetite of the young lions,Jb 4:10 Jb 4:11 Ps 34:10 Ps 104:21 Ps 145:15 Ps 145:16
40When they crouch in their dens, And lie in wait in the thicket?Gn 49:9 Nm 23:24 Nm 24:9
41Who provides for the raven his prey, When his young ones cry to God, And wander for lack of food?Ps 104:27 Ps 104:28 Ps 147:9 Mt 6:26 Lk 12:24


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