Job chapter 29

1Job again took up his parable, and said,Jb 27:1
2"Oh that I were as in the months of old, As in the days when God watched over me;Jb 1:1-5 Jb 7:3
3When his lamp shone on my head, And by his light I walked through darkness;Jb 18:6 Jb 21:17 Ps 18:28 Pr 13:9 Pr 20:20 Pr 24:20
4As I was in the ripeness of my days, When the friendship of God was in my tent;Jb 1:10 Jb 15:8 Ps 25:14 Ps 27:5 Ps 91:1 Pr 3:32 Col 3:3
5When the Almighty was yet with me, And my children were around me;Jb 23:3 Jb 23:8-10 Dt 33:27-29 Jsh 1:9 Jg 6:12 Jg 6:13 Ps 30:7 Ps 43:2 Ps 44:8 Ps 44:9 So 2:4 So 3:1 So 3:2 Jer 14:8 Mt 9:15
6When my steps were washed with butter, And the rock poured out streams of oil for me!Jb 20:17 Gn 49:11 Dt 32:13 Dt 33:24 Ps 81:16
7When I went forth to the city gate, When I prepared my seat in the street,Dt 16:18 Dt 21:19 Ru 4:1 Ru 4:2 Ru 4:11 Zc 8:16
8The young men saw me and hid themselves, The aged rose up and stood;Lv 19:32 Pr 16:31 Pr 20:8 Ro 13:3 Ro 13:4 Tit 3:1 1Pe 5:5
9The princes refrained from talking, And laid their hand on their mouth;Jb 4:2 Jb 7:11 Pr 10:19 Jm 1:19
10The voice of the nobles was hushed, And their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth.Ps 137:6 Ezk 3:26
11For when the ear heard me, then it blessed me; And when the eye saw me, it commended me:Jb 31:20 Pr 29:2 Lk 4:22 Lk 11:27
12Because I delivered the poor who cried, And the fatherless also, who had none to help him.Jb 22:5-9 Ne 5:2-13 Ps 72:12 Ps 82:2-4 Pr 21:13 Pr 24:11 Pr 24:12 Jer 22:16
13The blessing of him who was ready to perish came on me, And I caused the widow`s heart to sing for joy.Dt 24:13 Ac 9:39-41 2Co 9:12-14 2Ti 1:16-18
14I put on righteousness, and it clothed me. My justice was as a robe and a diadem.Dt 24:13 Ps 132:9 Isa 59:17 Isa 61:10 Ro 13:14 2Co 6:7 Eph 6:14 1Th 5:8 Rev 19:8
15I was eyes to the blind, And feet to the lame.Nm 10:31 Mt 11:5 1Co 12:12-31
16I was a father to the needy. The cause of him who I didn`t know, I searched out.Jb 31:18 Es 2:7 Ps 68:5 Eph 5:1 Jm 1:27
17I broke the jaws of the unrighteous, And plucked the prey out of his teeth.Ps 3:7 Ps 58:8 Pr 30:14
18Then I said, `I shall die in my own house, I shall number my days as the sand.Ps 30:6 Ps 30:7 Jer 22:23 Jer 49:16 Ob 1:4 Hab 2:9
19My root is spread out to the waters, The dew lies all night on my branch;Jb 18:16 Ps 1:3 Jer 17:8 Hos 14:5-7
20My glory is fresh in me, My bow is renewed in my hand.`Jb 29:14 Jb 19:9 Gn 45:13 Ps 3:3
21"Men listened to me, waited, And kept silence for my counsel.Jb 29:9 Jb 29:10 Jb 32:11 Jb 32:12
22After my words they didn`t speak again; My speech fell on them.Jb 32:15 Jb 32:16 Jb 33:31-33 Isa 52:15 Mt 22:46
23They waited for me as for the rain. Their mouths drank as with the spring rain.Ps 72:6
24I smiled on them when they had no confidence. They didn`t reject the light of my face.Gn 45:26 Ps 126:1 Lk 24:41
25I chose out their way, and sat as chief. I lived as a king in the army, As one who comforts the mourners.Gn 41:40 Jg 11:8 2Sa 5:2 1Ch 13:1-4

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