Job chapter 12

1Then Job answered,Jb 6:24 Jb 6:25 Jb 8:8-10 Jb 11:2 Jb 11:6 Jb 11:12 Jb 15:2 Jb 17:4 Jb 20:3 Jb 32:7-13 Pr 28:11 Isa 5:21 1Co 4:10 1Co 6:5
2"No doubt, but you are the people, And wisdom shall die with you.
3But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you: Yes, who doesn`t know such things as these?Jb 13:2-5 Pr 26:4 2Co 11:5 2Co 11:21-23
4I am like one who is a joke to his neighbor, I, who called on God, and he answered. The just, the blameless man is a joke.Jb 11:3 Jb 16:10 Jb 17:2 Jb 17:6 Jb 21:3 Jb 30:1 Ps 22:7 Ps 22:8 Ps 35:16 Mt 27:29 Heb 11:36
5In the thought of him who is at ease there is contempt for misfortune, It is ready for them whose foot slips.Dt 32:35 Ps 17:5 Ps 94:18 Jer 13:16
6The tents of robbers prosper, Those who provoke God are secure; Who carry their God in their hands.Jb 9:24 Jb 21:7-15 Ps 17:14 Ps 37:1 Ps 37:35 Ps 73:11 Ps 73:12 Jer 5:27
7"But ask the animals, now, and they shall teach you; The birds of the sky, and they shall tell you.Jb 21:29 Jb 21:30 Pr 6:6 Isa 1:3 Jer 8:7
8Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach you; The fish of the sea shall declare to you.
9Who doesn`t know that in all these, The hand of Yahweh has done this,Jb 12:3 Ac 19:35
10In whose hand is the life of every living thing, The breath of all mankind?Nm 16:22 Dn 5:23 Ac 17:25 Ac 17:28
11Doesn`t the ear try words, Even as the palate tastes its food?Jb 34:3 1Co 10:15 Php 1:10 Heb 5:14 1Pe 2:3
12With aged men is wisdom, In length of days understanding.Jb 8:8 Jb 15:10 Jb 32:7
13"With God is wisdom and might. He has counsel and understanding.Jb 32:6-9
14Behold, he breaks down, and it can`t be built again; He imprisons a man, and there can be no release.Jb 9:12 Jb 9:13 Jb 11:10 Isa 14:23 Jer 51:58 Jer 51:64 Mal 1:4
15Behold, he withholds the waters, and they dry up; Again, he sends them out, and they overturn the earth.Jb 12:10 Gn 8:1 Gn 8:2 1Ki 8:35 1Ki 8:36 1Ki 17:1 Jer 14:22 Nah 1:4 Lk 4:25 Jm 5:17 Jm 5:18 Rev 11:6
16With him is strength and wisdom; The deceived and the deceiver are his.Jb 12:13 Mt 6:13
17He leads counselors away stripped. He makes judges fools.2Sa 15:31 2Sa 17:14 2Sa 17:23 Isa 19:12-14 Isa 29:14 1Co 1:19 1Co 1:20
18He loosens the bond of kings, He binds their loins with a belt.2Ch 33:11-14 Jer 52:31-34 Dn 2:21 Rev 19:16
19He leads priests away stripped, And overthrows the mighty.Jsh 10:24 Jsh 10:42 1Sa 17:45 1Sa 17:46 Isa 37:36-38 Isa 45:1 Rev 17:14 Rev 19:19-21
20He removes the speech of those who are trusted, And takes away the understanding of the elders.Pr 10:21 Pr 12:19 Pr 12:22
21He pours contempt on princes, And loosens the belt of the strong.Ex 8:2 Ex 16:24 1Ki 21:23 1Ki 21:24 2Ki 9:26 2Ki 9:34-37 Ps 107:40 Isa 23:9 Isa 24:21 Isa 24:22 Isa 37:38 Dn 2:21 Dn 2:22 Dn 4:32 Dn 4:33 Mt 2:12 Mt 2:13 Ac 12:23
22He uncovers deep things out of darkness, And brings out to light the shadow of death.Jb 11:6 Jb 28:20-23 2Ki 6:12 Ps 44:21 Ps 139:12 Dn 2:22 Mt 10:26 1Co 2:10 1Co 4:5
23He increases the nations, and he destroys them. He enlarges the nations, and he leads them captive.Ex 1:7 Ex 1:20 Ps 107:38 Isa 9:3 Isa 26:15 Isa 27:6 Isa 51:2 Isa 60:22 Jer 30:19 Jer 33:22 Zc 10:8
24He takes away understanding from the chiefs of the people of the earth, And causes them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way.Jb 12:20 Jb 17:4 Isa 6:9 Isa 6:10 Isa 19:1 Dn 4:16 Dn 4:33 Hos 7:11
25They grope in the dark without light. He makes them stagger like a drunken man.Jb 5:14 Gn 19:11 Dt 28:29 Isa 59:10 Ac 13:11 1Jn 2:11

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