Genesis chapter 47

1Then Joseph went in and told Pharaoh, and said, "My father and my brothers, with their flocks, their herds, and all that they own, have come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen."Gn 45:16 Gn 46:31 Heb 2:11
2From among his brothers he took five men, and presented them to Pharaoh.Ac 7:13 2Co 4:14 Col 1:28 Jud 1:24
3Pharaoh said to his brothers, "What is your occupation?" They said to Pharaoh, "Your servants are shepherds, both we, and our fathers."Gn 46:33 Gn 46:34 Am 7:14 Am 7:15 Jon 1:8 2Th 3:10
4They said to Pharaoh, "We have come to sojourn in the land, for there is no pasture for your servants` flocks. For the famine is severe in the land of Canaan. Now therefore, please let your servants dwell in the land of Goshen."Gn 12:10 Gn 15:13 Dt 26:5 Ps 105:23 Isa 52:4 Ac 7:6
5Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, "Your father and your brothers have come to you.
6The land of Egypt is before you. Make your father and your brothers dwell in the best of the land. Let them dwell in the land of Goshen. If you know any able men among them, then put them in charge of my cattle."Gn 47:11 Gn 13:9 Gn 20:15 Gn 34:10 Gn 45:18-20 Pr 21:1 Jn 17:2
7Joseph brought in Jacob, his father, and set him before Pharaoh, and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.Gn 47:10 Gn 35:27 Ex 12:32 Nm 6:23 Nm 6:24 Jsh 14:13 1Sa 2:20 2Sa 8:10 2Sa 19:39 1Ki 1:47 2Ki 4:29 Mt 26:26 Lk 22:19 1Pe 2:17
8Pharaoh said to Jacob, "How many are the days of the years of your life?"
9Jacob said to Pharaoh, "The days of the years of my pilgrimage are one hundred thirty years. Few and evil have been the days of the years of my life, and they have not attained to the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage."1Ch 29:15 Ps 39:12 Ps 119:19 Ps 119:54 2Co 5:6 Heb 11:9-16 Heb 13:14 1Pe 2:11
10Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from the presence of Pharaoh.Gn 47:7 Gn 14:19 Nm 6:23-27 Dt 33:1 Ru 2:4 2Sa 8:10 2Sa 19:39 Ps 119:46 Ps 129:8 Heb 7:7
11Joseph placed his father and his brothers, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded.Gn 47:6 Ex 1:11 Ex 12:37 Jn 10:10 Jn 10:28 Jn 14:2 Jn 14:23 Jn 17:2 Jn 17:24
12Joseph nourished his father, his brothers, and all of his father`s household, with bread, according to their families.Ru 4:15
13There was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very severe, so that the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine.Gn 41:30 Gn 41:31 1Ki 18:5 Jer 14:1-6 Lam 2:19 Lam 2:20 Lam 4:9 Ac 7:11
14Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the grain which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh`s house.Gn 41:56
15When the money was all spent in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came to Joseph, and said, "Give us bread, for why should we die in your presence? For our money fails."Gn 47:18 Gn 47:19 Gn 47:24 Jg 8:5 Jg 8:8 1Sa 21:3 1Sa 25:8 Ps 37:3 Isa 33:16 Mt 6:11
16Joseph said, "Give your cattle; and I will give you for your cattle, if money fails."Dn 6:5-7 Pr 12:17 1Co 10:32 Php 4:8 Col 4:5
17They brought their cattle to Joseph, and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for the horses, and for the flocks, and for the herds, and for the donkeys: and he fed them with bread in exchange for all their cattle for that year.Ex 9:3 1Ki 10:28 Jb 2:4 Isa 31:1 Mt 6:24
18When that year was ended, they came to him the second year, and said to him, "We will not hide from my lord how our money is all spent, and the herds of cattle are my lord`s. There is nothing left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands.2Ki 6:26 Jer 38:9
19Why should we die before your eyes, both we and our land? Buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants to Pharaoh. Give us seed, that we may live, and not die, and that the land won`t be desolate."Ne 5:2 Ne 5:3 Jb 2:4 Lam 1:11 Lam 5:6 Lam 5:9 Mt 16:26 Php 3:8 Php 3:9
20So Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh, for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine was severe on them, and the land became Pharaoh`s.
21As for the people, he moved them to the cities from one end of the border of Egypt even to the other end of it.Gn 41:48
22Only he didn`t buy the land of the priests, for the priests had a portion from Pharaoh, and ate their portion which Pharaoh gave them. That is why they didn`t sell their land.Gn 14:18 Gn 41:45 Gn 41:50 2Sa 8:18
23Then Joseph said to the people, "Behold, I have bought you and your land today for Pharaoh. Behold, here is seed for you, and you shall sow the land.Gn 41:27 Gn 45:6 Ps 41:1 Ps 107:36 Ps 107:37 Ps 112:5 Pr 11:26 Pr 12:11 Pr 13:23 Ec 11:6 Isa 28:24 Isa 28:25 Isa 55:10 Mt 24:45 2Co 9:10
24It will happen at the harvests, that you shall give a fifth to Pharaoh, and four parts will be your own, for seed of the field, for your food, for them of your households, and for food for your little ones."Gn 47:25 Gn 41:34 Lv 27:32 1Sa 8:15-17 Ps 41:1 Ps 112:5
25They said, "You have saved our lives! Let us find favor in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh`s servants."Gn 6:19 Gn 41:45 Gn 45:6-8 Gn 50:20 Pr 11:26 Pr 11:27
26Joseph made it a statute concerning the land of Egypt to this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth. Only the land of the priests alone didn`t become Pharaoh`s.Gn 47:22 Ezk 7:24
27Israel lived in the land of Egypt, in the land of Goshen; and they got themselves possessions therein, and were fruitful, and multiplied exceedingly.Gn 8:7 Gn 8:9 Gn 13:16 Gn 26:4 Gn 28:14 Gn 46:3 Ex 1:7 Ex 1:12 Dt 10:22 Dt 26:5 Ne 9:23 Ps 105:24 Ps 107:38 Zc 10:8 Ac 7:17
28Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years. So the days of Jacob, the years of his life, were one hundred forty-seven years.Gn 37:2
29The time drew near that Israel must die, and he called his son Joseph, and said to him, "If now I have found favor in your sight, please put your hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me. Please don`t bury me in Egypt,Gn 47:9 Gn 3:19 Gn 50:24 Dt 31:14 2Sa 7:12 2Sa 14:14 1Ki 2:1 Jb 7:1 Jb 14:14 Jb 30:23 Ps 6:5 Ps 49:7 Ps 49:9 Ps 89:48 Heb 9:27
30but when I sleep with my fathers, you shall carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their burying place." He said, "I will do as you have said."Gn 23:19 Gn 25:9 Gn 49:29-32 Gn 50:5-14 Gn 50:25-14 2Sa 19:37 1Ki 13:22 Ne 2:3 Ne 2:5
31He said, "Swear to me," and he swore to him. Israel bowed himself on the bed`s head.Gn 24:3


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