Leviticus 7:6-14 - WEB
Every male among the priests shall eat of it: it shall be eaten in a holy place: it is most holy.
As is the sin-offering, so is the trespass-offering; there is one law for them: the priest who makes atonement therewith, he shall have it.
The priest who offers any man`s burnt offering, even the priest shall have to himself the skin of the burnt offering which he has offered.
Every meal-offering that is baked in the oven, and all that is dressed in the frying-pan, and on the baking-pan, shall be the priest`s who offers it.
Every meal-offering, mingled with oil, or dry, shall all the sons of Aaron have, one as well as another.
This is the law of the sacrifice of peace-offerings, which one shall offer to Yahweh.
If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour soaked.
With cakes of leavened bread he shall offer his offering with the sacrifice of his peace-offerings for thanksgiving.
Of it he shall offer one out of each offering for a heave-offering to Yahweh; it shall be the priest`s who sprinkles the blood of the peace-offerings.
Full Chapter